The Cady Chase We've decided to move our blog permanently (at least for now) to
The Cady ChaseIt's a more secure/paid for site, with lots of growing space.
And besides, Scott works for Apple, so it's a good trade. I use the Apple for publishing, and he stops whinning about me not using the Apple for publishing.
It probably means that I won't post at the spur of the moment, but I usually have to build up my thoughts in order to post anyway.
I'll keep this blog up until blogger makes me remove it, simply so that people can be redirected, and also because it has become (in a strange way) a piece of me. It was the beginning journaling of our patchwork that has now turned into a piece of our daughter's story.
Please bookmark
The Cady Chase site for future thoughts, posts, and ramblings.
All comments are welcomed and appreciated on that site as well.