So there are only so many things one can do with only 3 pictures, and I am exhausting all of the fun things that I can before we even get more. I found this great application a while ago, and, since I only rarely appear in pictures myself (see Chandleritis in a previous post) I haven't used this much. For now, I am just testing things out so that when we are overwhelmed with pictures of our beautiful daughter, I will be prepared.
The software is called
Comic Life and it is a really fun way to manage your pictures, particularly if you are en extensive iPhoto user. (Sorry Windows users, this is yet another cool Mac app that you don't get to have. Why not make the switch today?)

I just can't wait until I am soo busy taking care of my daughter that I can only dream of having spare time to do stuff like this with all of the pictures we have taken of Cady.
So on a serious note..
If you have ever written (or added to as in my case) a blog, you know that the initial intent is to write for yourself. Perhaps you may even start off with the intention of having this set up to share your life with close friends, co-workers, family, etc. After a few postings, you often find yourself checking back every 10 minutes just to see if anyone posted any comments to what you have just written. It becomes an addiction, you just have to know if anyone has read it, if anyone enjoyed your subtle wit, if anyone was moved by your words. It becomes something much more than what it started as. I don't feel bad about it at all. Karen and I are thrilled endlessly about what we are experiencing, and both of us relish any chance to share our excitement with the world.
I've been accused by a certain family member of having a real flair for the dramatic (who me??) and so that might be true. The funny thing is that it defines me so I love it. I want to change the world. I want to write the magical words that cause someone to sit back in their chair and reflect. But I am realistic. This little corner of a million and one blogs will not change the world, though I do enjoy the feeling that Karen and I might help others, whether in knowing more about what this process is about, or in just having a new perception on an old fear.
So to you, our dear readers, I am grateful. There are some absolutely lovely people who have been so very encouraging to us with their kind messages. I'm certain that there are many many lovely people who have read our rants yet did not comment, which is just fine, though we have simply yet to meet.