Someone please answer the questions above! I've been working overtime to try to take my mind off of the ever burning question of when the next set of referrals will be sent. However, that's no longer making the wait time faster. Instead, I find myself talking to customers at our call center, and rolling my eyes or getting edgy with their requests. I think both Scott and I have raw nerves by now. The smallest mishaps push me into hypersensitivity mode. The smallest irritations are amplified in my mind. If you've ever been pregnent and started labor pains,.....remember how irritated you became when you were in labor? And for all you men reading this...remember how easily irritated she got when she was in labor? Well, guess what? The last part of this wait feels the same way, without the contractions, so I suppose for all the other couples reading this and waiting for a referral, that's a plus.
It's rumored that the referrals will be sent on Monday, but no-one has concrete information on that rumor yet. In Spain, I'm told, perspective parents are already celebrating. But, I'm waiting to find out for sure before I get excited.
We submitted our dossier in April, '05. In it, we requested a child between 18 and 28 months. It's been made clear to us that we might receive a child much younger, simply because we are not 45 yrs old, and therefore we're not in the age category for older toddlers/children.
I'll be happy with any age to 28 months. But what bothers me, is that our child (no matter her age now), has been in an orphanage longer than expected. It's quite possible that CCAA had access to her referral information before October or November, when we were originally expecting her referral. And perhaps, there it sat.....waiting to be matched during the slow down time that CCAA has experienced these past few months, while she sat in an orphanage. That's what makes this waiting the toughest.
So, please...someone tell me when! I really don't care about the who, the what, or the where right now.