I haven't posted anything lately, mostly because we're in adoption limbo. CCAA will be sending referrals sometime this coming week, and we really have no idea if our child's profile is in that bunch. We've waited and waited and hoped and waited. At this point, nothing will surprise us more than actually getting our daughter's referral this time around. Rumors are buzzing in the adopting forums, and if the rumors are correct, we will be getting the "call" either next week or the week after.......Ahhh, the call. The call that tells us we have a daughter. The call that tells us to come to the office to view pictures of the person that will forever change our lives. The call that will make me happy and scared and relieved and anxious. The call that validates all the time we've waited. The call that makes everything else seem so insignificant. The call that will make me wonder if I can do this all over again. The call that will open my heart to the mistakes that I've made in the past, and the things that I've done right.
So we sit, and we wait. And we wait, and we hope. And we hope, and we pray. And so it goes.....at least until Monday or Tuesday.