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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Here's to the new year

Here's to family. Here's to friends. Here's to China.
Here's to the pictures that will change our lives. Here's to long waits and compelling bonds.
Here's to adjusting to each other. Here's to waking at 3 am. Here's to tired parents and sleepy days. Here's to watching her sleep.
Here's to kissing the hurt away.
Here's to new sights, new sounds, new words, new awareness. Here's to newness.
Here's to dolls and books and puzzles.
Here's to bows and Mary Janes. Here's to messy hair and bare feet.
Here's to endless questions and inquisitive eyes. Here's to magical holidays.

Here's to love.
Here's to the coming year. And here's to what we make of it.
Here's to you, my friend.
And here's to me.


At 7:56 PM, Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Happy New Year to the almost parents..

At 1:48 PM, Blogger Heather said...

You're almost there! You're up next in the referrals! Congratulations. Here's to the next batch of referrals!

LID July 20, 2005 for Sydney (or Twins!)


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